Thorp Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Our class teacher for the 2024/25 academic year is Mrs Buckley.  Our teaching assistant is Mrs Wheeler.

In Year 5, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Our key topic areas this year are:

Autumn Term 1 – Why should the rainforests matter to all of us?

Autumn Term 2 - What is life like in the Alps?  

Spring Term 1 – How easy was it for the Anglo-Saxons to invade and settle? 

Spring Term 2 - Will the UK ever disappear into the sea?

Summer Term 1 – Why should Britain be ashamed of slavery?

Summer Term 2 - What was life like during WW2?


We will go swimming for the whole year in Year 5.  It is essential that children remember to bring their swimming kit in on a weekly basis. Our lesson will be on a Friday.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Tuesday.  Homework will include: English, Maths, Spelling, reading and Times Tables Rock Stars.

If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Key Dates and Events

To be confirmed

Medium Term Plans